Chicago network issues Status: Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting Server -

There is currently ongoing emergency network maintenance in Chicago that will be affecting servers.

Please do not open a ticket, we are aware of the issue and the data centre will have the network back online ASAP.

Apologies for the outage.

Chicago Maintenance Status: Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting Server -

There is some maintenance happening in one of our Chicago DataCenters, you may experience some down time for your server, it should hopefully be back ASAP, we apologise for the inconvenience. 

Gamepanel down Status: Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting System - Game Panel

We are aware of the current issue with the game panel and are working hard to get it fixed as soon as possible.

Once the issue is fixed we will post an announcement on our Discord.

Please do not open a ticket for this issue.

Network Disruption. Status: Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting Other - Network Disruption.

There is a global network issue affecting our services. We are investigating. Please do not open a ticket.

Chicago DC Issues Status: Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting Server -

We are having some temporary networking issue in our Chicago Data Center, they are working on the issue and should have it resolved asap.

Satisfactory Update Issue Status: Resolved
Priority - High Affecting Other - Satisfactory

There are known issues with the Satisfactory 1.0 update. All new orders are working fine, but due to changes in command-line existing customers servers are having some problems. The best thing you can do is submit a ticket and ask us to fix your server which will require an IP change.  

Charlotte Maintenance Status: Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting Server -

Currently there is some maintenance going on in our Charlotte Data Center causing some down time for your servers, this should be back online very soon, we apologise for any inconvenience. 

Networking Issue New York Status: Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting Server -

We are having some temporary networkng issues in one of our New York Data Centers, we are aware of the issue and technicians are on the case and should have the issue fixed asap, We apologise for the inconvenience. We will post on our discord once we know more. 

Dallas DC Issue Status: Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting Server -

We currently have an issue going on in one of our Dallas Data centers, the engineers are aware of the issue and working hard to fully restore everything, we have no eta at this time, we will update you once we know more. We apologise for any inconvenience. 

US - Peering provider outage Status: Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting Other - All Services in United States

To all our amazing customers, we apologise for the connectivity issues concurrent in the United States. Please note that is not directly related to us but is with one of our peering partners and is completely out of our hands.

We are currently in communication with them and we've been informed that the issue should be resolved shortly.


UPDATE (20:19PM BST) - The Data Center is working on fixing the machines due to the outage and some are returning online. We're hoping the machines to be back online as soon as possible

USA Networking Issues Status: Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting Other - Network

We are currently experiencing a network outage in our New York based Data Center.

We're working with the Data Center so the issue is resolved as soon as possible.

If your experiencing issues please rest assure we're working on getting this resolved. Please do not open a ticket.

We're sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.



USA Network outage Status: Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting Other - Network

There are multiple network issues in the USA.
If you can not start/stop/interact with your game panel or your game server is offline it will be affected by this issue, please do not open a ticket. 

The datacenter is aware of the issue and working hard to resolve it as soon as possible.

We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Steam Workshop Error Status: Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting Server -

There is currently an issue going on with steam that is preventing workshop mods from being installed, hopefully they will fix the issue soon, you can view the status of the error from the following link,

Networking Issue NewYork Status: Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting Server -

We are currently having a networking issue in one of our New York data centers, they are currently working on the issue and should have it resolved asap. We apologise for any inconvenience. 

chicago network issues Status: Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting Server -

We are having some temporary networking issues in one of our Chicago data centers, they are aware of the issue and should be resolved asap. We apologise for the inconvenience. 

Palworld Updated Servers Not Working Status: Resolved
Priority - High Affecting Other - Palworld Updated Servers Not Working

The new update for Palworld has caused servers to break, the executable name was changed.  Here is how to fix your game server. NOTE this will work for 95% of our Palworld servers, we are working on a fix for the remaining 5%. 


Palworld Server Fix

  • Stop your Palworld server
  • Go to configuration files, click "Config Editor" next to the Start.bat
  • SAVE the file (which will write the new values for the executable)
  • Start your Palworld server.

Control Panel Issue Status: Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting Server -

We're currently investigating an issue with our game panel. Our web team is working on getting this back online as soon as possible. Pease bare with us whilst we get this investigated.

New York Issue Status: Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting Server -

We are currently experiencing a networking issue in one of our New York Datacenters, they are working on the issue and should have it resolved asap.

GamePanel Issue Status: Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting Server -

We are aware of a current issue with our game panel loading slowly, we are working on the issue and hope to have it resolved asap. We apologise for the inconvenience. 

Enshrouded Pre orders Status: Resolved
Priority - High Affecting Other - Enshrouded Pre orders

Enshrouded Pre-orders are being set up; please do not open a ticket. Wait for the welcome email which will come within an hour.

Valheim Steam Update Issue Status: Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting Other - Valheim Steam Update Issue


Problem: Valheim Steam Update Issue

We currently have reports of a Valheim Steam update problem with servers not updating to the latest version. We are working on this, please do not open a ticket about this issue. 

We will update you here once we resolve it. 


UPDATE: 15:21 (UK GMT)

We have found its a unity error and is affecting all Valheim game servers. We are actively working to resolve this issue. 



We have detected the issue and are resolving it right now. 



We have a fix, You need to stop the server via the game panel and navigate to the `Configuration Files` and edit the `start.bat` and check the box for `New Unity Update` and once done the server should work again after this. However, please note if you have mods on the server, these will be broken until the mods get updated to the new version.

New York Outage Status: Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting Server -

One of our New York data centers is currently experiencing network connection issues.

They are aware of the issue and will have it resolved as soon as possible.

Oregon Network Outage Status: Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting Server -

Oregon data center is currently experiencing network connection issues.

They are aware of the issue and will have it resolved as soon as possible.

Oregon Network Outage Status: Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting Server -

Oregon data center is currently experiencing network connection and latency issues.

They are aware of the issue and will have it resolved as soon as possible.

Network issues with IP range 192.168.x.x Status: Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting Other - Network issues

We are aware of latency and connection issues with the IP range 192.168.x.x

The data centre crew are working as fast as possible to get everything back to normal.


Please avoid opening a ticket regarding this matter as it will only delay our team working on the fix.

Dallas network issues Status: Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting Other - Dallas Datacenter

Dallas data center is currently experiencing network connection and latency issues.

They are aware of the issue and will have it resolved as soon as possible.

Team Speak 3 New York Status: Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting Other - Team Speak

Everything is now back online. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Public Pay Error Status: Resolved
Priority - High Affecting Other - Public Pay Error

We are investigating some issues with Public Pay/Clan Pay.


06.07.2023. We have resolved the Public Pay issue, the cause was from the publisher of the module who provided us with a fix. 

Priority - High Affecting System - NY DATACENTER

Dear customer,

Please note we will be performing service impacting network maintenance in our Staten Island, NY location in order to complete a necessary expansion and capacity upgrade.  Please note expected downtime is only 30 minutes, however, over one hour is being allocated in case of unforeseen issues. During this time you may see 2-3 brief network outages.

  • Start time: 6/1/2023 9:00PM EDT
  • End time: 6/1/2023 11:30PM EDT

Thank you for understanding.

Maintenance Windows Status: Resolved
Priority - Low Affecting System - Game Server Machines

On the 14th and 27th at 6am local time, we restart all of the machines in the USA. 

All locations other than USA, the game server machines restart on the 15th and 28th at 6am local time. 

We perform maintenance on reseller customers at 6am on the 13th and 26th of each month.

New York Networking Issue Status: Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting System - Network

Some machines located in one of our New York data centers are having some temporary network hiccups, we already have a team on the field investigating and working on it, and all services should return back to normal as soon as possible.

We have no ETA right now, but the technicians working as fast as possible to get everything solved, thank you for understanding, and we are sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Charlotte Network Temporary Issues Status: Resolved
Priority - High Affecting System - Network

Some machines located in our Charlotte data center are having some temporary network hiccups, we already have a team on the field investigating and working on it, and all services should return back to normal as soon as possible.

We have no ETA right now, but the technicians working as fast as possible to get everything solved, thank you for understanding, and we are sorry for any inconvenience caused.


The issue has now been resolved.

Teamspeak 3 London Move Status: Resolved
Priority - High Affecting System - Teamspeak 3 London Move

On Monday, 30th of January, we will be moving the London Teamspeak 3 to a new better, performing machine and a new data centre. This will mean. 

  • A new IP address for the Teamspeak
  • Only affects London Teamspeak 3
  • Downtime of approximately 30 minutes. 
  • Upgrade to the latest Teamspeak 3 Server build.
  • Additionally using a hostname instead of just IP based connections. Hostname will be

For those of you with SRV records you simply need to change the A record for the SRV record, the port will remain the same so there is no need to change it. 

UPDATE 12:45: The new hostname for London Teamspeak 3 will be  (the l stands for london)

UPDATE 12:48: The Teamspeak 3 London server will go down at exactly 1300 GMT.

UPDATE: 13:28: Your Teamspeak 3 Server has been successfully moved to a new machine. 

You can find the new address on your control panel.

We are using a new hostname format so that in a few years if we need to move Teamspeak again it will not affect you, as the hostname can easily be changed to a new IP address.

If you have an SRV record, you will need to update the A record to the following IP

We also updated Teamspeak 3 server to version 3.13.7

Kindest Regards

Priority - Critical Affecting Other - NEW YORK DATACENTER

We are aware that some servers hosted in New York are down and not connectable, there's an outage happening in one of our New York datacenters, if your server it's being affected, we are really sorry for any inconvenience caused, datacenter crew working as fast as possible to get everything back.

ETA = Fast as possible!

Please avoid from opening a ticket regarding this matter as it will only delay our team working on the fix.


Apple Pay Added Status: Resolved
Priority - Low Affecting Other - Billing

Apple Pay has been added to the payment gateways.

Public Pay Disabled Until Further Notice Status: Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting System - Public Pay

The Public Pay addon has been temporarily disabled as the payments are not showing in the system. Wer are working with the developer on a fix. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused. Any updates to this issue will be published here. 

UPDATE: We are waiting on an upgrade to the module Public Pay from the development team which will support 8.1, We are setting this to resolved because until further notice public pay is disabled. 

UPDATE: Public Pay is disabled until it supports PHP 8.1. Until then you can have donators donate direct to your PayPal account. Note that this update to PublicPay will be a big update with more functionality to PublicPay than ever before. 

UPDATE: 19.01.2023. Public Pay is fixed and active. Please ensure your public URL is correct and has not changed. 


Priority - Critical Affecting System - STEAM WORKSHOP

If you find some Steam Workshop mods not installing, it's due to Steam API having some hiccups, it's not affecting all mods and not all servers, but if you having issues installing certain mods, please give it time and retry a bit later.

Scheduled Mainteance - CANCELLED Status: Resolved
Priority - High Affecting System - Billing System. Pubic Pay. Bitcoin Payments

We are carrying out an upgrade to PHP 8.1 of the Public Pay system, Bitcoin Payment system and some other minor systems at around 12 midday UK time. Works should only take around 20 minutes to complete but expect some downtime of these services for up to an hour. 

UPDATE: This maintenance has been cancelled for later.


Unable To Cancel Service Status: Resolved
Priority - Critical Affecting System - Billing

Due to a recent software update, the cancellation form is currently not working. We are working on a fix now. Thanks for your patience. 

FIXED: We applied an update and fixed it. 

Public Pay Offline Status: Resolved
Priority - High Affecting System - Public Pay

Public Pay addon is not working after a recent update to our billing system, we are working on it now and should be resolved very soon.

UPDATE: We know the issue and are working to resolve, its because of compatibility with PHP 8.1. A fix is in progress. Thanks for your patience. 

FIXED: The issue is fixed, please verify that your public pay link is the same as before and update accordingly your website/Discord. 

Please do not open a support ticket for issues we already know about.