How to install Chernarus Redux Map / Mission on your Arma 3 Exile Mod server Print

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This guide will help you on how to install Chernarus Redux Map / Mission on your Arma 3 Exile Mod server.



Always install the Chernarus Redux first and test the server before adding any other mods, if you already have other mods installed and the server doesn't work, remove all mods and install Chernarus Redux first, test, then install the other mods one by one, also be aware that some other mods might not be compatible with Chernarus Redux.


  1. Stop your server
  2. Go to the Workshop Mod Downloader button, download the following mods and load them on Start.bat under -mod= line:
    1. CUP Terrains Core (id:583496184)
    2. CUP Terrains Maps (id: 583544987)
    3. Chernarus Redux (id: 1128256978)
  3. Go to the Map Packs button and install the Chernarus Redux Map Pack
  4. Go to the Configuration Files button, edit config.cfg file and select Exile.chernarusredux from the template dropdown
  5. Start your server


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