How to setup automatic Restarts and messages on your V Rising server Print

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This guide will help you with how to setup automatic Restarts and messages on your V Rising server.



  1. Go to the Scheduled Tasks tab in your Control Panel
  2. Create a new Scheduled Task and select the Graceful Restart and Messages option
  3. Give it a name of your choice, 12 Hours Restart for example
  4. Select the date/hour you want to next restart will happen(*)
  5. Select Recur Every 1 Days
  6. Select Repeat task option
  7. Select Repeat Every 12 hours
  8. Select For 24 Hours
  9. Select the Script Parameters tab on top and adjust the messages if you want
  10. Save the task






(*) Servers restarted based on the machine local hour, you can view the machine local hour under Server Details > Machine Local Time button, if needed adjust your game panel profile timezone to match clicking on your name on top right corner > My Profile then Timezone.

In this example it will restart your server every 12 hours, if you want any other number of hours, just change the Repeat Every 12 hours to any number of hours of your choice.


If you have any questions or you need our help don't hesitate to contact our support system.

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