How to whitelist on your Bedrock server Print

  • 18


If the white-list property is enabled in then the server will only allow selected users to connect. To allow a user to connect you need to know their Xbox Live Gamertag. The easiest way to add a user to the whitelist is to use the command whitelist add <Gamertag> (eg: whitelist add ExampleName). Note: If there is a white-space in the Gamertag you need to enclose it with double quates: whitelist add "Example Name"

If you later want to remove someone from the list you can use the command whitelist remove <Gamertag>.

The whitelist will be saved in a file called whitelist.json. If you want to automate the process of adding or removing players from it you can do so. After you've modified the file you need to run the command whitelist reload to make sure that the server knows about your new change.

The file contains a JSON array with objects that contains the following key/values.

Key Type Value
name String The gamertag of the user.
xuid String Optional. The XUID of the user. If it's not set then it will be populated when someone with a matching name connects.
ignoresPlayerLimit Boolean True if this user should not count towards the maximum player limit. Currently there's another soft limit of 30 (or 1 higher than the specified number of max players) connected players, even if players use this option. The intention for this is to have some players be able to join even if the server is full.

Example whitelist.json file:

        "ignoresPlayerLimit": false,
        "name": "MyPlayer"
        "ignoresPlayerLimit": false,
        "name": "AnotherPlayer",
        "xuid": "274817248"

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