How to add modded loot to your DayZ Standalone Server Print

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Modifying loot tables in DayZ requires access to the game's server files and an understanding of the game's configuration system. Keep in mind that altering loot tables may require server-side changes, and it might not be allowed on all servers, especially official ones. Here's a general guideline on how to modify loot tables:

Loot tables in DayZ are defined in XML files. The primary file you'll be working with is types.xml. This file contains information about the types of items and their spawn rates.
Backup Your Files:

Before making any changes, make backups of the loot table files. This will allow you to revert to the original settings if something goes wrong and ensure to STOP your server before making any changes.
Edit the Loot Tables:

Use a text editor or an XML editor to open types.xml. This file will contain entries for different types of loot, such as weapons, clothing, food, etc.

Modify the spawn chances, quantity, and location for the items you want to change. These values are defined within the XML tags. Be careful with syntax, as XML is sensitive to formatting.

Here's an example of a loot item entry in types.xml:

Copy code
<type name="ItemWaterBottle">
<category name="Tools"/>

Save Changes:

After making your changes, save the types.xml file.
Start the server:

Test the Changes:

Join the server and explore to see if your loot changes have taken effect. Be aware that it may take some time for items to respawn according to the new settings.
Adjust as Needed:

Fine-tune your loot table adjustments based on player feedback and the balance you want to achieve on your server.

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