How to increase the Lifetime of your loot on DayZ Standalone Print

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Please ensure to stop the server first before doing these steps.

Access the server configuration files: You'll need access to your DayZ server's configuration files. These files are typically found in the server's directory, and you can edit them using a text editor.

Locate the types.xml file: The types.xml file is where you can adjust various settings related to loot, including its lifetime. This file contains definitions for all the items and their properties in the game.

Adjust the lifetime values: In the types.xml file, find the section that corresponds to the item or category of items you want to adjust the lifetime for. Look for the <lifetime> tag within these sections.

Increase the lifetime value: The lifetime value is measured in seconds. Increase this value to extend the item's lifetime. For example, if the default lifetime is set to 1800 seconds (30 minutes), you can increase it to 3600 seconds (1 hour) or more, depending on your preference.

Save the changes: After making the necessary adjustments, save the types.xml file.

Start the server

Keep in mind that increasing the lifetime of loot can have an impact on server performance, as more items will be present in the game world for longer periods. It can also affect the overall balance of the game, as players may accumulate more resources over time. Therefore, it's essential to strike a balance that suits your server's gameplay style and player preferences.

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