Palworld Issues Live Updates
Live Updates..
Here, we will update you on all the Palworld news related to GTXGaming and our Palworld server hosting. Save this page and keep checking back. The newest items are at the top.
- Palworld patch v0.1.4.0 released.
- We have stock for Palworld as of 5pm GMT 26.01.2024
- PocketPair has announced that they have sold 7 million copies of Palworld. Truly amazing!
- A Palworld update has just been released for the Xbox and Microsoft Store PC versions, so not Steam. Numerous bugs have been fixed, including sound issues. This means the Steam version update is coming very soon.
- PocketPair has posted a Discord announcement acknowledging the issues the game is facing with multiplayer and losing saved data, and says they are working on them.
- GTXGaming is back in stock in All Locations.
- GTXGaming has had to go out of stock for Palworld servers while we replenish our stock. We will send an update here once our stock is available again.
- Due to the memory leaks, you may have to upgrade your Palworld server RAM; we understand this is an additional cost, and we are sorry that this is the case. Hopefully, in the next updates, the developers will fix the memory leaks, and you can downgrade your memory again. We have to charge more for RAM as this increases the amount of dedicated servers we need to deploy.
- We are enabling our memory-checking module, which will warn our users if they are using too much RAM. Please restart your server regularly to clear the memory leaks and lower memory usage.
- High memory usage on Palworld game servers. Please restart your Palworld server regularly to alleviate lag; the game has memory and CPU leaks which the developers are working to resolve.
- The master server list went down today but is back online now.

Palworld was released this week, and from GTX's point of view, it was a bit of a shock. So many customers came to buy servers that we had to call in staff who were enjoying their day off just to cope with support demands and live chats. Here, I will outline some of the issues we have seen and what is being done to address them.
Palworld server lag issue.
Server lag on Palworld game servers is a known issue. It is caused by a lack of optimization of memory and CPU utilization. We have some rudimentary fixes you can do to alleviate the issue while the developers work on fixing the bugs. Remember, Palworld is an early access game, and problems like this are normal at an early stage of a games release but be assured that these issues will be resolved within days or weeks and the game will get a lot more stable. Patience is the key, things will improve.
What should I do if my Palworld server is lagging?
Here are some of our recommendations to alleviate the lag.
Restart your game server regularly.
Restarting your Palworld server will clear any memory and CPU leaks that are occurring; this will reduce RAM consumption and reduce your CPU usage and give you an overall better performing game server.
Set up a restart schedule with warning messages.
One of the best things you can do is schedule a regular restart. On our amazing GTX control panel, we have a restart tool that will also send messages to the server before the restart; we recommend scheduling a restart for your Palworld server every 4-6 hours to get the best performance out of your server.
Here is a step by step guide on setting up a Palworld game server restart with warning messages.
- Go to the Scheduled Tasks tab in your Control Panel
- Create a new Scheduled Task and select the Restart with messages option
- Give it a name of your choice, 4-Hour Restart, for example
- Select the date/hour you want to next restart will happen(*)
- Select Recur Every 1 Days
- Select the Repeat task option
- Select Repeat Every 4 hours
- Select For 24 Hours
- Save the task

Schedule a Restart Task
The servers will restart according to the local time of the machine. You can check the machine's local time by going to 'Server Details' and then clicking on the 'Machine Local Time' button. If necessary, align your game panel's profile timezone with the machine's local time by clicking on your name in the top right corner, selecting 'My Profile', and then adjusting the 'Timezone' setting.
Reach out to GTXGaming support.
If you have already restarted your server and still getting unusual lag, please do not hesitate to open a support ticket. We can inspect the machine and if we find any problems can move your server without hesitation.
What if restarting the Palworld server does not solve the issue?
If restarts do not solve the issue, and support tell you that the resources on the dedicated server machine are good, then it might be advisable to do a full reinstall of your server. You can do that by clicking the more button and clicking reinstall.
Palworld 'server not found' issue.
There is an issue with the Palworld server list; it only shows 200 Palword servers at any one time, and the search function only searches the visible 200 servers. So its very hard to find your server, some users keep refreshing until they eventually find their server. We recommend direct connecting with the IP address, but that also has an issue if you have a password set on your Palword server the direct connect feature will not work, if you have a password set. When clicking connect you are not prompted to enter the password so therefore cant connect to your server. The development team for Palworld will fix this soon and we will update this guide.
Palworld password issue when connecting from master server list.
There's a known problem in the Palworld master server list where if your server is password-protected, the direct connect option fails to work. This issue arises because when attempting to connect, the game does not prompt for the password (when using direct connect), preventing access to your server. The Palworld development team is aware of this and plans to resolve it shortly. Once fixed, we'll provide an update in this guide.
Solution 1
There are two solutions. The first is to remove the password and hope nobody will join your Palworld server, and due to the amount of Palworld servers on the master server list (at time of writing over 70,000) its not likely that random players will join but possible.
Solution 2
Not really a solution as it will take your time, but keep refreshing the master server list until you find your server with the search function, but with 70,000 servers this is going to take a long time.
Palworld memory reset drug issue.
Pocketpair released this statement on their official Discord, explaining an issue with the Memory Reset Drug in the game. They are working on it, which should be resolved in a future patch.
Palworld character wipe issue
There seems to be an issue with character data not being transferred from backups form other providers. We are looking into this and will find a resolution soon.
Unique features GTX has for Palworld
- We have stock, and lots of it.
- A full control panel with stop, start, restart, reinstall, config file editor.
- Memory, CPU, storage and network gauges on the control panel.
- Automatic restart tool.
- An rcon messages tool actionable direct from the control panel.
- Automatic backups without any setup comes with every Palworld server.
What is GTX doing to ensure Palworld game server stability?
- We are constantly monitoring our machines to ensure the CPU and memory usage are within acceptable limits; see the screenshot of our monitoring software below. Rest assured, we are finding problems and resolving them.
- Due to the Palworld game servers instability, we are taking many backups of customer servers. This means with any problem that arises in your online world, we can restore the server and get you back up and running in no time. Simply submit a support ticket to restore your server or use this guide to do it yourself. We have engineers working around the clock to solve your issues, whatever they may be.
- We are setting up brand new machines to cope with the amount of customers coming our way from other hosts that are out of stock. We are lucky in that we were already preparing for the game Enshrouded, which will be released on Wednesday 21st, February 2024. Therefore we had a lot of stock waiting.
- We are monitoring the Palworld developer announcements and applying new patches, fixes and new features as they come in. Our team is working 24 hours a day to ensure our customers are getting the best experience possible.