Minecraft: How to Locate and Explore End Cities

Minecraft: How to Locate and Explore End Cities

Grab your diamond armour and elytra wings, adventurer - today we're hunting for End Cities on your Minecraft game! You've finally defeated the Ender Dragon and unlocked the End dimension. Now it's time to reap your reward by tracking down the elusive End Cities holding treasures like diamonds, enchanted armour and the highly coveted elytra wings. With the dragon gone, the End is your oyster.

These mysterious cities hover over the endless void of the End, connected by precarious bridges. Pack your inventory with building blocks, weapons and food - who knows what dangers await! The End Cities are rare and well-hidden, but with perseverance you'll uncover their secrets. Imagine soaring high above your world with your very own set of elytra wings. The rewards are great for those brave enough to venture into the unknown world in Minecraft.

What are you waiting for? Adventure calls! Gear up, step through that portal and begin your hunt. The End Cities await, full of dangers and treasures in equal measure. Conquer the End Cities today and you'll have stories to share for lifetimes! The portal home is always open, but the call of adventure and discovery is hard to ignore for any true explorer. Take a deep breath, steel your nerves and leap into the End - your greatest challenge and reward is just beginning!

minecraft end cities

What Are End Cities in Minecraft?

End cities are the ultimate prize in the End dimension! These massive, castle-like structures spawn on the outer islands and hold some of the best loot in the game. But exploring them can be dangerous, with shulkers and endermen around every corner.

Are you up for the challenge, adventurer? Saddle your elytra and pack your shulker boxes, it's time to go end city raiding! The rewards are so worth it. Not only can you find diamonds, emeralds and enchanted gear, but you'll also get your hands on the elytra wings and shulker shells.

To find an end city, you'll first need to defeat the ender dragon and step through the portal she unlocks. This teleports you to the outer end islands, a maze of floating landmasses in the void. End cities generate randomly around here, so do some scouting from the air using firework rockets and your elytra. Look for the tall obsidian and purpur towers - that signals an end city is nearby!

Once you spot a city in the distance, steer your elytra over and prepare to loot. But watch your step, shulkers prowl the city and their bullets hurt! Take them out from a distance if you can. Don't forget to check the tops of the towers too, that's where the best chests are.

With shulker shells and an elytra in hand, you'll be soaring back to the Overworld in style, your inventory stuffed with riches from the end city. The danger was worth it - now you're the proud owner of the best gear in Minecraft! What an adventure!

Locating End Cities Using Ender Pearls

Once you've made your way into the End dimension, the hunt for end cities begins! These mysterious structures are floating in the void, housing valuable loot like dragon heads, diamonds, and shulker shells. The fastest way to explore this strange land is by using ender pearls.

Toss an ender pearl into the air and see which direction it floats - there's likely an end city that way! Repeat this to narrow in on the closest one. Ender pearls will propel you through the air, allowing you to cover huge distances in seconds. When you spot a end city in the distance, throw an ender pearl directly at it to zip right over.

Once you arrive, raid the chests for rare items and gear to help you on your quest. Look for end gates - throw an ender pearl into these to transport even further out into unloaded chunks, where more end cities are waiting to be discovered! The possibilities for adventure are endless.

Ender pearls are invaluable for navigating this bizarre Minecraft dimension. With a healthy supply, you'll be teleporting from city to city, collecting loot and gear all along the way. Who knows what wonders you might uncover in your end city explorations? The End holds many mysteries, so grab your ender pearls, raid some cities and see where the portal takes you! Adventure awaits, my friend. Now get out there and explore!

Finding End Cities by Exploring End Islands

Once you’ve defeated the Ender Dragon, a whole new world opens up to explore—the outer End islands! These mysterious lands hold treasures beyond imagination in the form of End Cities. To uncover their secrets, you’ll need to build bridges between the islands and search far and wide.

With the Ender Dragon out of the way, the End Gateway Portal will activate, giving you access to the outer End islands. Step through and adventure awaits! The islands are scattered across a sea of the void, so craft some blocks and start bridging to the nearest landmass.

As you bridge from island to island, keep an eye out for End City structures. These massive cities will tower above the landscape, with spiralling obsidian and purpur blocks that reach up to the sky. Once you spot one, make your way over and get ready to loot! The cities often have multiple towers and bridges connecting them, with chests containing rare items like elytra wings, diamond armour and enchanted tools.

If an End City isn’t visible from your current island, don’t worry - simply continue bridging in one direction and you’re sure to stumble upon one eventually. Some players have found End Cities over 1000 blocks from the main island! With a little patience and perseverance, you'll uncover these alien metropolises.

When night falls in The End, be on high alert. Phantoms may spawn and swoop down to attack, especially if you haven’t slept in a while. Bridging at night can also be tricky to navigate. If mobs become an annoyance, simply sleep in a bed to set your spawn point on the island and continue your search at dawn.

With fortune and glory awaiting in the End Cities, now is the time to gear up, bridge out and let your explorer's instinct guide you to discoveries beyond imagination! The alien world of the outer End islands holds untold secrets for you to uncover.

Preparing for Your Journey to End Cities

Are you ready for an epic adventure in the End? To explore the mysterious End Cities, you'll need to gear up properly. This isn't your average mining expedition - the End is filled with dangerous enemies and perilous terrain.

Pack the essentials for survival. Bring stacks of ender pearls, enchanted ranged weapons, full enchanted diamond/netherite armour, stacks of good food, and water. Ender pearls will allow quick escapes from dangerous heights or mobs. Powerful bows and crossbows enchanted with Infinity will defeat enemies from a distance. Protection enchantments on your armour will reduce damage from falls and enemy attacks.

With the right equipment and supplies, you'll be prepared to traverse the tricky End terrain and fight formidable foes. An Ender chest is a must for storing your valuable loot without losing anything if you die. Fill your inventory with building blocks like cobblestone to bridge dangerous gaps.

Once you spawn in the End, look for an End Gateway - it's a massive portal that leads to the outer End Islands where End Cities reside. Before entering, check that you have everything because there's no going back! The End is an alien world with no day-night cycle and little shelter. Be very careful.

The journey through Minecraft world will be treacherous but with preparation and caution, you'll explore End Cities in no time. Adventure awaits, hero! Go forth and conquer the End dimension, defeating enemies and discovering rare treasures and resources along the way. The final reward will make it worth braving the perilous End. Enjoy your quest, but watch your step - there's no respawning here!

Looting and Exploring End Cities

Exploring End Cities is one of the most thrilling adventures in Minecraft! Once you’ve defeated the Ender Dragon, an End Gateway portal will activate, transporting you to the outer End islands where these mysterious cities generate.

Treasure Awaits!

End cities are chock full of valuable loot like diamonds, iron, gold, and emeralds. You’re bound to discover multiple treasure chests, some of which spawn as ender chests. These contain rare items like enchanted diamond armour, swords, and tools. With some luck, you may even find an elytra - a pair of wings that let you glide long distances.

Shulker Shells

End cities are inhabited by shulkers, strange levitating creatures that attack by shooting shulker bullets. Defeat them to get shulker shells, a key ingredient for brewing levitation potions and crafting shulker boxes which provide extra storage space.

Exploring in Style

The fastest, easiest and safest way to explore end cities is using an elytra and duration 3 firework rockets. Equip the elytra and ignite a rocket to launch into the air, then glide down to each end city island. The fireworks will boost you up high, allowing you to spot end cities from far away. Just be careful when landing - the fall damage can be deadly if you’re not careful!

There’s no telling what treasures and dangers await within these ominous structures. Adventure calls, my friend! Suit up, take to the skies and discover the secrets of the End cities. The rewards will be well worth the perilous journey. Happy hunting!


Congratulations, you did it! You've entered the End Portal and made it safely to the End dimension. Now it's time for adventure - hunting down End Cities in the vast emptiness of the End void. With the tips and tricks from this guide, you'll be zipping through the sky and soaring over the landscape searching for the telltale shapes of End Cities in no time. Who knows what treasures and mysteries await inside for you to discover?

Maybe you'll find your first elytra wings and take flight, or stumble upon a secret End portal back to the Overworld. The possibilities for exploration and discovery are endless. So charge up that rocket, strap on your best enchanted diamond armor and start your search. The End dimension is yours for the taking, so get out there and make it your own! An epic adventure in Minecraft's most perilous realm awaits. Now get going, you've got End Cities to find and loot! The rewards will be well worth the effort. Get your Minecraft Server Hosting and Happy hunting!

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