Matthew Griffin


Minecraft Campfire 101: Materials, Placement, and More

Minecraft Campfire 101: Materials, Placement, and More

Get ready for some s’mores and spooky stories because you’re about to become a Minecraft campfire master! There’s nothing quite like gathering around a warm fire under the stars in Minecraft. But to get that perfect campfire going, you need to know how to choose the right spot, gather the necessary supplies, and properly construct…

Minecraft Disneyland: Build Your Own Magical Kingdom

Minecraft Disneyland: Build Your Own Magical Kingdom

Have you ever dreamed of building your own magical kingdom? In the world of Minecraft, you have the power to construct anything you can imagine, block by block. Now you can bring the most magical place on earth to life in your own virtual world. With a bit of patience and creativity, you’ll be rubbing…

minecraft lava walker

Minecraft Lava Walker Datapack: Never Fear Lava Again

Have you ever lost hours of work in Minecraft after falling into lava and dying? With the Lava Walker datapack, those days are over. You’ll never fear lava again! This datapack gives you the ability to walk on lava as if it were solid ground. No more watching helplessly as your precious items sink into…

ryzen 9 7950x

Ryzen 9 7950x Overclocking: Pushing AMD’s 16-Core CPU to the Limit

As an enthusiast building a new high-end AMD Ryzen system, you want maximum performance from your components. The AMD Ryzen 9 7950X processor delivers incredible multi-core performance for compute-intensive workloads, but its capabilities can be pushed even further through overclocking. With some patience and the right techniques, you can tune your 7950X to run faster…

ryzen 9 7950x

Ryzen 9 7950x Is the New Gaming Powerhouse

You are about to unlock a whole new world of PC performance. Forget incremental upgrades and settling for good enough-the AMD Ryzen 9 7950x processor is here to revolutionize your gaming experience. With 16 cores and 32 threads of raw processing power, this CPU is an absolute beast that will unleash the full potential of…

minecraft ruined portal

Minecraft: How To Find The End Portal

So you’ve mastered survival mode, built some epic structures, and are ready to take on the Ender Dragon. The only problem is you have no idea where to find the portal that leads to the End dimension. Finding the End portal on Minecraft is actually pretty straightforward once you know what to look for. Get…

The Sound of Survival: Understanding DayZ’s Audio Cues

Top DayZ Survival Tips Every New Player Must Know

You just spawned into the harsh, unforgiving world of Chernarus in DayZ. The landscape is massive, resources are scarce, and danger lurks around every corner. But don’t panic – with a few essential survival tips, you’ll be thriving in no time. Get ready to master the basics, gear up for your new life as a…

enshrouded demo

Enshrouded Game Demo: First Impressions

The Enshrouded game demo, eagerly anticipated by RPG enthusiasts, offers an intriguing glimpse into a dark fantasy world filled with mystery and adventure that you can try on your Enshrouded server hosting. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the first impressions: Enshrouded Demo Overview Gameplay Experience The demo introduces players to a survival RPG setting on…

Enshrouded monster with sword

Enshrouded Uncovered: What Early Access Has Shown Us

Ever wonder what secrets are hidden beneath the shroud of mystery surrounding new games still in development? Early access programs lift the veil, giving players a sneak peek at the gems of gameplay and storytelling yet to come. You get a chance to dive in early, explore new worlds, experience innovative mechanics, and shape the…

Unshrouding Enshrouded 1

Enshrouded System Requirements

Minimum System Requirements for Enshrouded To ensure a basic yet playable experience in Enshrouded server hosting, your PC must meet the following minimum system requirements: Operating System: Windows 10. Processor: Intel Core i5-6400 (2.7 GHz, 4 Core) or AMD Ryzen 5 1500X (3.5 GHz, 4 Core) or equivalent. Memory: 16 GB RAM. Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce…