

Welcome to our Palworld content hub. Here, we showcase the content we believe to be the most important to you about the game Palworld and Palworld server hosting.

Palworld Honey Hunting: Tips for Finding Liquid Gold

Want to create your own Palworld world? Rent Palworld server hosting and get started now. Unearthing the Sweet Hoard Whether you seek instant gratification or sustainable bounty, honey hunting offers several paths: Battle for Quick Drops: Engage in exciting battles with Pals like Cinnamoth, Beegarde, Elizabee, or Warsect – each defeat yielding sweet honey drops. Build…

Palworld: Forge Your Fortune – The Ultimate Gold Guide

Embark on a thrilling journey in Palworld‘s vibrant economy, where every corner holds the promise of gold-coin prosperity for intrepid tamers like yourself. Fear not, fellow adventurer! In this comprehensive guide, we unveil the key secrets to amassing wealth and ascending to the ranks of gold-coin magnates. And to ensure you have a competitive edge,…

palworld boss azurobe

Palworld Boss Order and Locations – Your Complete Guide!

Palworld and Its Bosses Palworld‘s colorful world is filled with dangerous creatures known as Pals – and the biggest baddies of all are the bosses. Each boss in Palworld has their own area and guarding a portal to the next region on your Palworld server hosting. Defeating them is the only way to progress in…

palworld dungeon

Palworld Dungeons: A Comprehensive Guide to these Amazing Locations

In Palworld, massive dungeons filled with enemies and loot await the bravest explorers. These sprawling cave networks are home to dangerous Boss Pals and rare resources, but defeating them rewards you with epic gear, items, and glory! Palworld dungeons offer rewarding challenges, epic loot, and unforgettable adventures for your Palworld server hosting. Gather your friends,…

Palworld Pals: Nine Lives or No Lives? Unpacking the Immortality Myth

You’ve gotta admit, those adorable Palworld Pals seem invincible, right? Perky ears, bubbly giggles, maybe even nine digital lives… they practically beg the question: are these creatures immortal? Hold your horses, trainer! While your Pals are amazing companions, even their cuteness has limits. So saddle up for a reality check because we’re debunking the Palworld…

palworld grizzbolt with 4 barrel guns

Unlocking Every Weapon in Palworld: A Comprehensive Guide

Palworld extends beyond the simplistic notion of “Pokemon with guns.” Setting aside the elements of crafting, breeding, and survival, a diverse array of weaponry awaits exploration and creation. In addition to conventional firearms, your options encompass melee weapons, spears, bows, handguns, explosives, and more. To effectively navigate the escalating challenges and pursue higher-level Pals on…

palworld technology list

Palworld Technology List: A Full Guide to all the Innovations

Palworld and Its Technology Tree Palworld‘s technology tree unlocks a variety of powerful weapons and advanced ranged armaments as you progress. From pistols and rifles to grenade launchers and rocket launchers, Palworld has you covered. Technology points in Palworld are used to unlock new structures and recipes for creating useful items to aid your survival…


Palworld Grappling Gun Guide: Hook, Line and Sinker!

Understanding the Grappling Gun in Palworld The Grappling Gun in Palworld is your ticket to high-speed traversal and Spiderman-esque acrobatics! This handy tool will have you swinging through the jungle and zooming up cliffs on your Palworld server hosting in no time. To wield this bad boy, you’ll first need to craft it. Equip your…

palworld ancient civilization parts

Palworld Ancient Civilization Parts: Get Treasures From the Past

Beyond the traditional activities of capturing and engaging in battles with vibrant creatures of diverse types, Palworld unfolds as a survival game, incorporating an abundance of building and crafting elements. While the initial crafting focuses on basic materials, as you delve into more advanced items, Ancient Civilization Parts become increasingly essential. Acquiring this resource poses…

Palworld Patch Notes Steam v0.1.4.0

Palworld Patch Notes Steam v0.1.4.0

Patch v0.1.4.0 Overview Steam Version v0.1.4.0 and Xbox Version v0.1.1.3 The latest update for the Steam version, tagged as v0.1.4.0, is now available, while the Xbox version update v0.1.1.3 is slated for release soon. This patch addresses several critical issues and introduces new features to the game.   [Patch Notice] ・Steam patch v0.1.4.0 ・Xbox patch…